

The early years of a child’s life are years of wonder and excitement, and research shows that the first six years of life provide the basic framework of experience which will determine how well a child functions the rest of their life.  Learning to share with and trust others, as well as the initial desire for independence, occurs during these early years, and positive experiences in this stage of development helps to determine a child’s attitudes toward themselves and others.

The Preschool program of Faith Lutheran Church is meant to work in partnership with parents in the important role of providing for the growth and development of children.  We believe each child is a special and unique creation of God, and has their own individual needs.  Our preschool has been designed to meet those needs, as it provides for growth in the social, emotional, and intellectual areas of a child’s being.  Likewise, it is our intention to meet the spiritual needs of each child, as we follow the direction given by the Good Shepherd—our Lord Jesus Christ, when He said: “Feed My lambs.” (John 21:15)

Faith Lutheran Preschool has set the following objectives for itself in order to best meet the needs of children:

  • To Teach children to think of Jesus as their Friend, Savior, and Lord.
  • To Promote learning through work and play in a Christian environment.
  • To Assist in the adjustment from home life to school life.
  • To Help children learn to cope with life at their own maturity level 
  • To Broaden children’s interests and experiences. 
  • To Assist in the development of good personal habits.

Download a Registration Form 2025-26.pdf, or for more information, please contact our Director:     

      Faith Lutheran Preschool
      Mrs. Rebecca Shanton
      (317) 468-0610


Preschool news

2025-2026 Preschool

Registration is now open for the 2025-2026 school year to Faith Lutheran Church members and former preschool families.  Registration will be open to the public beginning March 1st.

If you know of someone who might be interested, please share this information with them. Preschool brochures and registration forms can be found in the Narthex.  Registration forms can also be found using the link below.

If you have any questions, please contact the Director, Rebecca Shanton, at the Preschool, 317-468-0610, by text, 260-343-1602, or by email  [email protected].

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